Without the diode, the coil will generate thousands of volts with (obviously) enough current to kill you! (Normally, the low voltage along with your body's high resistance keeps you safe while allowing you to get 90A through the nearly zero-resistance of the weld. When the circuit is broken (a normal part of arc welding). If you add a choke, add a reversed diode (rated for 90A or more) across the choke to kill the Back-EMF. They also hacked up a microwave transformer and used 2nd coil to wrap their own cable to use as a choke. A larger capacitor will send-out larger pieces.) Chicago Electric 98871 90 Amp Flux Wire Welder 89.97 Chicago Electric 98871 90 Amp Flux Wire Welder 89.97 Save up to 50 on Top Tech by Subscribing to our. Very stupid! Little bits of molten metal flying around out at supersonic speed. (When I was a 'kid' we used to explode small electrolytic capacitors by connecting 120 VAC. That could put AC on the capacitor and blow it, or other things could burn-up.

If the rectifier blows, it's probably going to short. Mig Welder Roll Wire Feed Motor DC 24V 10W Soldering Wire Feeder Machine Welder Flux Core Wire Automatic Feed 0.8/1.0mm. 90 AMP FLUX WIRE WELDER SAVE 60 CHICAGOO ELECTRIC Item 68887 WELDING. 10 ft Mig Welding Gun fits Harbor Freight Welder Mig Kit & Liner (Liner. I assume your bridge rectifier is rated for more than 90 Amps? Quality Tools at Ridiculously Low Prices How does Harbor Freight Tools sell high. I've never welded and I don't know anything about welders.