(The top-one prize winner among 10 awardees selected from 40 finalists out of 545 applicants all over the world.) Yu-peng Chen is the composer for Genshin Impact, and he always delivers his orchestral-world music I always liked making music from the start, and I thought to myself, Why not try making a. (March 2023) Chen Yupeng ( Chinese: pinyin: Chn Ypng born January 15, 1984), also known by his stage name Chen Zhiyi ( Chinese: pinyin: Chn Zhy ), is a Chinese composer and music producer best known for writing the soundtrack of Genshin Impact, an open-world action role-playing video game by HoYoverse. New Investigator Recognition Award (NIRA), Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, 2013.Chen’s tissue engineering technology was selected to be used on the International Space Station to overcome the impact of microgravity in space.īME 3420/6086, Stem Cells for Regenerative MedicineīME 4170/6170, Nanomedicine: From Concepts to ApplicationsīME 4910W, Biomedical Engineering Design HONORS AND AWARDS He is an awardee of the Grand Prize (top one among 545 worldwide candidates) of New Investigator Recognition Award in Orthopaedic Research Society in 2013, and the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award from National Science Foundation (one of the most prestige awards for young faculty). Chen serves as the Principal Investigator of many competitive research grants from NIH, NSF and DOD. With former partner Peng Cheng, he is a two-time Four Continents medalist (silver in 2020, bronze in 2019 ), two-time Grand Prix Final silver medalist ( 201819, 201920 ), and the 2017 Asian Winter Games silver medalist.
His work has published as a series of high-impact papers, and US and international patents which have been successfully licensed to industry. Chen has a long-term interest in designing and developing DNA-inspired Janus base nanomaterials (JBNs) for biomedical applications.

in biomedical engineering and chemistry at Brown University. Professor Yupeng Chen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Connecticut. MS (Biomedical Engineering) Brown UniversityīS (Chemistry) Fudan University Biography He earned Bachelor degree of Engineering from the Tsinghua University (China), and a Master of Science degree in Information Technology from SFU. (Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine) Brown University